Veteran software developer specializing in native C++ applications. Currently working in the enterprise app domain on very large cross-platform C++ code bases. Past professional experience in real-time graphics and scientific visualization/simulation in the astronomy domain, which is still a passion project area for me. I have an ongoing astronomy rendering engine project that receives ‘off and on’ attention when I have time.
I’m an avid homebrewer and Certified Cicerone. I’ve earned medals in local and regional competitions for my Bavarian Weisse and Belgian Dark Strong styles. I’m quite interested in brewery automation have built out my own hardware and software systems to support my brewing. See more on my brewing focused channel. Also, check out my brewery automation software!
Finally, I love what some would call ‘extreme sports’, but I’m really not all that extreme. I climb mountains, scuba dive and rappel down canyons. Day to day, I stay fit by road biking and some Crossfit style workouts.